

What does ‘beauty’ mean to you?  

Beauty means to me being able to feel safe and at home in your body. 

What is something you’re proud of that you and your body have done?  

I am proud of being able to climb waterfalls, hike mountains, run half marathons and constantly learn new shapes. I am proud that my internal organs work to process and cleanse every time I eat too much sugar or gluten haha. I am proud of the immense amount of physical healing that my body is capable of – I have very minimal scarring from 2nd degree burns all down my right side. I have next to no physical scarring from being in multiple DV relationships, various assaults and abuse and yet my body still retains the memory. The memory so I can help younger women and provide support for them amongst the chaos. 

What do you want our younger generation of women to know about appearance and beauty. 

Beauty is not your outward appearance. Beauty is how you show up in your life. It is not the colour of your skin, the number on the scale or the size of your waist. Growing up as a light skinned First Nations woman. I was never dark enough to be seen as blak from the white community. And not light enough to be seen as British from the Indigenous community. But I want the next generation to know it’s okay to be both! We might feel like we are walking in two worlds or don’t fit into either, but you are still you. And that is a marvelous piece of life you’ve been given, so don’t waste it! Show up every day, with your love, your trauma, your tears, your laughter, your fears, your dreams, and know that you are powerful! That is what beauty is. Showing up in your life. 

What do you do for your mental health, for peace and clarity in your daily life?

Meditate. Every day. And that doesn’t mean sitting down in lotus pose every day in silence. Some days it looks like; drinking tea in the sun, hanging out the washing while listening to the birds, sharing a meal and talking about life with a lover, practicing asana yoga, painting, and some days it is just sitting in silence. 

Young indiggenous woman wearing a short black dress, sitting on a log in the forest with her hair backlit by the sun

Instagram accounts to follow:

    • @niathelight WOC Body Positivity
    • @beladivine WOC Spiritual and Traditional Indigenous Healing
    • @raemoonrose WOC Muma-prenuer 
    • @yaknowme_hitomi WOC Trauma Healing and life journey

Your favourite song/music: Currently Jessie Reyez

Your favourite pastime/hobby: Just existing. The whole of life, and every single day is such a phenomenal experience. 

Who do you look to for advice? As much as I discuss ideas with family, always self. My heart knows what it wants. I just need to listen.

Additional thoughts, quotes, messages, links to relevant articles or websites etc:

“No matter the amount of negativity you’re presented with, 5 minutes from now could be your best moment” – Mod Sun 

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