

Colour portrait of a woman wearing autumn coloured sweater and a flower and leaf crown. She has vivid blue eyes and striking red hair

What does beauty mean to you? 

Beauty is a state of being

Beauty is being real, being ugly, being true to self 

Beauty speaks from the heart 

Beauty is in our actions, in our vulnerability, and in our strengths 

Beauty is what we acknowledge and appreciate 

Beauty is a state 


What is something you’re proud of that you and your body have done?

Listening to what the body needs 

Forming a relationship where it informs my head 

Slowing down, going at my own pace 

Recognising it’s not a race 


What do you want younger generations of women to know about appearance and beauty? 

Our greatest reflection is not in the mirror its in the eyes of another persons soul 


What do you do to keep your body strong and vital? What do you do for your mental health for peace and clarity in your daily life? 

I listen to my needs, 

I take myself for walks and spend time in the garden, 

I stretch and I dance, 

I write and I create,

I go to nature and I tend to friendships with love

All these things fill my soul and body up 


Favourite authors or books that have made an impact ?

Women who run with wolves – Clarissa Pinkol Estes // M Train – Patti Smith // The Bone People Keri Hulme // The God of small things – Arundhati Roy // The Tao of Leadership 


Music to listen to:

Emily Wurramara and Yaima (Gajumaru) are two really beautiful soul sounds I’m loving at the moment 


Who do you look to for advice?  

I often find we already have the answer if we are honest and sit with ourselves – this is powerful gnosis, to remember there is such wisdom stored in our bodies if we can give ourselves the time to connect back to that and listen to what we need. 

I ask friends I trust and respect for an honest reflection when I need it and seek the wisdom of books such as Women who run with wolves to feel connected to the larger collective experience 


Bronte, 26


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