

Young white woman with long, curly white-blonde hair standing in a structure made of branches


What does ‘beauty’ mean to you?  

Beauty to me means authenticity; when I am totally absorbed in my most natural and embodied state that makes me realise the Goddess that I am.

What is something you’re proud of that you and your body have done?

I’m proud of finally putting my health first; which means nourishing my body from the inside out and setting boundaries that allow me to feel nurtured and self-loving.

What do you want our younger generation of women to know about appearance and beauty. 

You are a Divine manifestation of Mother Earth. Every thing about you is perfect. You don’t need to change, hide, manipulate any part of yourself to please anyone. Remember to be loving, kind and compassionate to yourself every day; you are a unique expression of beauty… own it.

What do you do for your mental health, for peace and clarity in your daily life?

I meditate and journal daily, I set boundaries when they are needed, I prioritise my self-care above anything else, I surround myself with people who want the best for me, I spend a lot of time out in nature and remind myself that I’m doing the best I can in each moment.

Please share with us:

  • Instagram accounts to follow that have great community, important messages @risingwoman
  • Favourite authors or books that have had an impact on you: Women Who Run With The Wolves/Clarissa Pinkola, Home Body/Rupi Kaur
  • Your favourite song/music: Deya Dova
  • Your favourite pastime/hobby: Being in nature
  • Who do you look to for advice? My intuition


Testimonial: Your thoughts on the experience of being photographed for the Beauty Myth Project:

It was a beautiful experience to meet Briony and to be photographed in such a comfortable and magical environment. After looking at the photos of myself, I really felt a wave of love for myself. It’s not often I get portraits taken. I always feel resistant or uncomfortable when I see a camera pointed towards me.. but this felt really empowering to be photographed in this environment with such a kind soul behind the lens. Samantha, 25

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